Results for 'Karen Correa Tello'

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  1. Polifonías de la re-existencia.Sara Victoria Alvarado & Jaime Pineda Muñoz Y. Karen Correa Tello - 2017 - In Sara Victoria Alvarado, Jaime Pineda Muñoz & Karen Correa Tello, Polifonías del sur: desplazamientos y desafíos de las ciencias sociales. [Manizales, Colombia]: Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Niñez y Juventud, Alianza CINDE-Universidad Manizales.
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    Polifonías del sur: desplazamientos y desafíos de las ciencias sociales.Sara Victoria Alvarado, Jaime Pineda Muñoz & Karen Correa Tello (eds.) - 2017 - [Manizales, Colombia]: Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Niñez y Juventud, Alianza CINDE-Universidad Manizales.
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    Emotion Regulation and Attitudes Toward Conflict in Colombia: Effects of Reappraisal Training on Negative Emotions and Support for Conciliatory and Aggressive Statements.Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Myriam Sierra-Puentes, Mohammed El Hazzouri, Alexandra Morales, Diana Gutiérrez-Villamarín, Laura Velásquez, Andrea Correa-Chica, Juan Carlos Rincón, Karen Henao, Juan Gabriel Castañeda & Wilson López-López - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. Ideology Critique from Hegel and Marx to Critical Theory.Karen Ng - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):393-404.
    In this paper, I explore and defend ideology critique as a method that is descended from the project of the critique of reason. Specifically, I interpret ideology critique as operating through what critical theory calls the dialectics of immanence and transcendence. Turning to Hegel and Marx, I further argue that the dialectics of immanence and transcendence must be more concretely understood as the dialectics of life and self-consciousness. Understanding the relation between life and self-consciousness is crucial for ideology critique because (...)
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  5. Decoupling emergence and reduction in physics.Karen Crowther - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (3):419-445.
    An effective theory in physics is one that is supposed to apply only at a given length scale; the framework of effective field theory describes a ‘tower’ of theories each applying at different length scales, where each ‘level’ up is a shorter-scale theory. Owing to subtlety regarding the use and necessity of EFTs, a conception of emergence defined in terms of reduction is irrelevant. I present a case for decoupling emergence and reduction in the philosophy of physics. This paper develops (...)
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    ¿Existe una ética médica en Georges Canguilhem?Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa & Claudia Elena Espinal Correa - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 57:433-457.
    Despite recent efforts, little research has been done concerning the issue of medical ethics in Georges Canguilhem’s work. This is mainly due to the critical position the author takes regarding the humanistic medicine practices that began to proliferate after World War II. However, we hold that the medical philosopher´s insights do contribute to the field of medical ethics, since they rescue the patients’ individuality, which is highly valued in today´s person centered medicine: over the “objectifying” rationality of modern medicine. We (...)
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    Sobre a negatividade conceitual do sentimento ou a filosofia schopenhaueriana da linguagem.Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):173-188.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer possui uma concepção acerca da natureza do conceito que atravessa o seu pensamento, desde o início de sua produção filosófica. Inicialmente abordado a partir de sua acepção racional abstrata, em O mundo como vontade e como representação, o conceito adquire traços mais profundos em função do sentimento. O conceito “não-conceito” sentimento determinará os rumos da filosofia de Schopenhauer, ao evidenciar os limites da linguagem. A linguagem filosófica, por consequência, exprime um paradoxo, pois pretende expressar em linguagem abstrata (...)
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    Evaluating community science.Karen Kovaka - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):102-109.
  9. Beyond Narrative: Poetry, Emotion and the Perspectival View.Karen Simecek - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (4):497-513.
    The view that narrative artworks can offer insights into our lives, in particular, into the nature of the emotions, has gained increasing popularity in recent years. However, talk of narrative often involves reference to a perspective or point of view, which indicates a more fundamental mechanism at work. In this article, I argue that our understanding of the emotions is incomplete without adequate attention to the perspectival structures in which they are embedded. Drawing on Bennett Helm’s theory of emotion, I (...)
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  10. The complete Duhemian underdetermination argument: scientific language and practice.Karen Merikangas Darling - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (3):511-533.
    Current discussion of scientific realism and antirealism often cites Pierre Duhem’s argument for the underdetermination of theory choice by evidence. Participants draw on an account of his underdetermination thesis that is familiar, but incomplete. The purpose of this article is to complete the familiar account. I argue that a closer look at Duhem’s The aim and structure of physical theory suggests that the rationale for his underdetermination thesis comes from his philosophy of scientific language. I explore how an understanding of (...)
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    Childhood Teaching and Learning among Savanna Pumé Hunter-Gatherers.Karen L. Kramer - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):87-114.
    Research in nonindustrial small-scale societies challenges the common perception that human childhood is universally characterized by a long period of intensive adult investment and dedicated instruction. Using return rate and time allocation data for the Savanna Pumé, a group of South American hunter-gatherers, age patterns in how children learn to become productive foragers and from whom they learn are observed across the transition from childhood to adolescence. Results show that Savanna Pumé children care for their siblings, are important economic contributors, (...)
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  12. Dressing Down Dressing Up—The Philosophic Fear of Fashion.Karen Hanson - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):107-121.
    There is, to all appearances, a philosophic hostility to fashionable dress. Studying this contempt, this paper examines likely sources in philosophy's suspicion of change; anxiety about surfaces and the inessential; failures in the face of death; and the philosophic disdain for, denial of, the human body and human passivity. If there are feminist concerns about fashion, they should be radically different from those of traditional philosophy. Whatever our ineluctable worries about desire and death, whatever our appropriate anger and impatience with (...)
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    Schools of Thought.Karen Hanson & Mary Warnock - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (1):141.
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    Schopenhauer e os Valores da Experiência Estética, de Bart Vandenabeele.Renata Covali Cairolli Achlei & Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):224-237.
    Tradução do artigo originalmente publicado em The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XLV, 2007, pp. 565-582, intitulado Schopenhauer on the Values of Aesthetic Experience.
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    Introdução.César Correa Arias, Gonçalo Marcelo & Fernando Nascimento - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (2):1-7.
    Portuguese introduction to volume 2, issue 2.
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    From the mystery of ice ages to abrupt climate change.José Correa Leite - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):811-839.
    RESUMO O problema da era do gelo foi o primeiro e, até algumas décadas atrás, o único debate relevante sobre as mudanças climáticas, emergindo como uma discussão da geologia, que não foi capaz de equacioná-lo. Ficou como um mistério que transitou, no século XIX, pela matemática e astronomia e foi objeto de especulações na geofísica e geoquímica sem que uma solução satisfatória fosse encontrada. A resposta básica para a ocorrência das eras do gelo foi dada por Milankovitch, com sua teoria (...)
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    Gênero, redes e capital social no meio rural: a experiência dos grupos de mulheres no município de São Sepé - RS.Adriana Martini Correa Pedroso & Claudia Tirelli - 2017 - Agora 19 (1):20.
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    Herbarium Apulei, 1481; Herbolario volgare, 1522.Karen Reeds - 1981 - Isis 72 (3):513-513.
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    Black Women Scientists in the United States. Wini Warren.Karen Williams - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):631-632.
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    Diffracting child-virus multispecies bodies: A rethinking of sustainability education with east–west philosophies.Karen Malone & Chi Tran - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (11):1296-1310.
    Humans are living in damaged landscapes within a new geographical epoch known as the Anthropocene. The COVID-19 outbreak fuels uncertainty, instability, and ambiguity for humans. This viral disaster has been blamed for losing and further exacerbating ecological imbalance, and prompts a need to re-examine multispecies relations and, in particular, human exceptionalism. The authors, by applying a new theoretical assemblage that brings the new materialist turn entangled with Buddhist philosophies into our stories and diffractions of child-virus bodies, have been prompted to (...)
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    " Muddy Eels"(Archilochus 189W).Paula da Cunha Correa - 2002 - Synthesis (la Plata) 9:81-90.
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  22. Hegel’s Logic of Actuality.Karen Ng - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (1):139-172.
    Against the standard interpretation that Hegel's idealism, in particular speculative logic, should be understood as an extension of Kant's transcendental idealism, I argue that Hegel's Logic should be understood as a logic of actuality (Wirklichkeit). Rather than seeking to determine the necessary and merely formal conditions and categories for the knowledge of any possible object, speculative logic is the immanent and active process of determining the truth of actual objects and actuality itself. Through a discussion of the status of the (...)
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    The constitution of the soul: Aristotle on lack of deliberative authority.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):572-586.
    My aim in this paper is to examine Aristotle's puzzling and contentious claim inPolitics1.13 that the deliberative faculty in women is ‘without authority’ :The freeman rules over the slave after another manner from that in which the male rules over the female, or the man over the child; although the parts of the soul are present in all of them, they are present in different ways. For the slave lacks the deliberative faculty altogether; the woman has it, but it is (...)
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    “Constrained neither physically nor morally”: Schiller, Aesthetic Freedom, and the Power of Play.Karen E. Davis - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (2):36-50.
    The general conceit of Schiller’s aesthetic education is that our experiences with art and beauty set us free from internal and external constraints and allow us to embrace our full humanity as rational and sensuous beings. Experiencing the aesthetic, or the play impulse, puts one in a state of aesthetic determinacy—or rather indeterminacy—that Schiller calls the highest sense of freedom, aesthetic freedom. Gail K. Hart examines Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange as an example of what Schillerian aesthetic education might look (...)
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    The Dual Dynamical Foundation of Orthodox Quantum Mechanics.Diana Taschetto & Ricardo Correa da Silva - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):89-105.
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    Extensive Mothering: Employed Mothers’ Constructions of the Good Mother.Karen Christopher - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (1):73-96.
    Social scientists have provided rich descriptions of the ascendant cultural ideologies surrounding motherhood and paid work. In this article, I use in-depth interviews with a diverse sample of 40 employed mothers to explore how they navigate the “intensive mother” and “ideal worker” ideologies and construct their own accounts of good mothering. Married mothers in this sample construct scripts of “extensive mothering,” in which they delegate substantial amounts of the day-to-day child care to others, and reframe good mothering as being “in (...)
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    Sensory Experiences and Children With Severe Disabilities: Impacts on Learning.Susan Agostine, Karen Erickson & Charna D’Ardenne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The human sensory system is continuously engaged in experiencing and interpreting every interaction with other living beings, objects, and the environment. The purpose of this article is to describe the impact limited opportunities for rich sensory experiences have on students with severe disabilities in two middle school classrooms situated in a public separate school in the southeastern USA. The study employed a postcritical ethnographic approach and grounded theory thematic analysis of fieldnotes gathered over a two-year period. Three major themes supported (...)
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  28. Germaine de Staël (1766-1817).Karen de Bruin - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal, The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Normatividad y Realidad.John Byron Montoya Gutiérrez & Mario Enrique Correa Muñoz - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):37-57.
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    Les explications fonctionnelles.Karen Neander - 2009 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1 (1):5-34.
    On dit souvent que, tandis que la biologie de l'évolution utilise un concept étiologique de fonction (la fonction d'un trait biologique n'est autre que son effet sélectionné), la physiologie prend appui sur un autre concept de fonction, celui de rôle causal. Cependant, un examen plus attentif montre que le concept non normatif de rôle causal n'est pas ce dont la physiologie générale ou la neurophysiologie ont besoin. Ces disciplines font un large usage de notions comme celles de bon fonctionnement, de (...)
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    A educação das relações étnico-raciais no olhar das gestoras escolares: um fato isolado ou um silêncio implantado?Carlos Eduardo Ströher & Aruna Noal Correa - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):6-29.
    O presente estudo realiza uma análise da aplicação do artigo 26-A da LDB (Brasil, 1996), que determina a obrigatoriedade do ensino de história e cultura africana, afrobrasileira e indígena nas instituições de ensino. A pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender de que forma gestores escolares implementam a educação das relações étnico-raciais (ERER) em escolas de dois municípios do Vale do Rio Caí/RS. Em termos metodológicos, configura-se como estudo de caso, de cunho quali-quantitativo, com produção de dados por meio de questionários semi-estruturados (...)
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    The Society to Come.Diogo Silva Corrêa - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):353-357.
    La Société qui vient [The Society to Come], a book edited by Princeton professor and current holder of the Chair of Public Health at the Collège de France, Didier Fassin, cannot be accused of sinning by modesty. This is a collective work of more than 1300 pages, grouped in seven parts and comprising no fewer than 64 chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a fundamental question of our present time and is written by an author who is an expert in (...)
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    Entre ciencia y filosofía: Algunos problemas actuales.Jairo Isaac Racines Correa - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 27:305-310.
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    Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections.Karen J. Warren & Duane L. Cady - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):4 - 20.
    In this essay we make visible the contribution of women even and especially when women cannot be added to mainstream, non-feminist accounts of peace. We argue that if feminism is taken seriously, then most philosophical discussions of peace must be updated, expanded and reconceived in ways which centralize feminist insights into the interrelationships among women, nature, peace, and war. We do so by discussing six ways that feminist scholarship informs mainstream philosophical discussions of peace.
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    A Import'ncia Do Ensino de Filosofia Em Uma Escola Do Campo Fruto Do Processo de Reforma Agrária.Michele Barcelos Corrêa - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (3):113.
    O objetivo do estudo consiste em abordar a importância e contribuições do ensino de Filosofia a educação no/do campo para o processo de formação de cidadãos. A escolha da escola para o desenvolvimento das observações se deve ao contexto de ameaça de fechamento de escolas em áreas rurais por parte do governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, fazendo-se preciso evidenciar a qualidade e a importância da educação do campo como forma de resistência na defesa da educação pública e (...)
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    Comentário a “Entre erros férteis e verdades anódinas: sobre “Foucault, a arqueologia e as palavras e as coisas: cinquenta anos depois”, de Ivan Domingues”.Sergio Fernando Maciel Corrêa - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):131-134.
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    Diógenes laercio IX 61-116: Pirrón Y Los pirrónicos.Alfonso Correa Motta & Sánchez Castro - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):215-238.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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    Desinfección mediante el uso de luz UV-C germicida en diferentes medios como estrategia preventiva ante la COVID-19.Melissa Correa, Sabrina Mera, Fabián Guacho, Elio Villarreal & Sebastián Valencia - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):46-53.
    En este trabajo se presentan criterios que permiten estimar parámetros de desinfección mediante el uso de luz ultravioleta UV-C de onda corta, en agua, aire y superficies. Se indican métodos para evaluar la dosificación en función de la potencia de la lámpara empleada. Este tipo de estrategia permiten resultados de hasta 99.9% de desinfección, inactivando diferentes tipos de microorganismos. Estas referencias sirven de base para el diseño de dispositivos de utilidad en la presente emergencia por COVID-19, cuyo origen, al ser (...)
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    Educación, disciplina y castigo: consideraciones en torno a los mecanismos de contención.Edwin Augusto Correa Cetina - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 19 (2):241-262.
    Resumen: la cohesión de la cultura ha sido posible con el acaecer de la renuncia pulsional y de la póstuma instauración de la educación en la vida del hombre. Desde tiempos arcaicos se ha trazado un esquema de enseñanza y docilidad a partir de las necesidades vigentes de la época. De aquí que los objetivos de este trabajo sean examinar esta dialéctica histórica de la educación y, por otra parte, explorar los conceptos de disciplina y castigo como instrumentos configuradores de (...)
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    El laboratorio de periodismo. La práctica universitaria de la idea fundacional de Pulitzer.Carlos Mario Correa Soto - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (18):45-77.
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  41. Historia de la filosofía antigua y medieval.Vélez Correa & Jaime[From Old Catalog] - 1961 - Bogotá,: Ed. San Juan Eudes,".
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    Impulso sexual: impulso lúdico e impulso estético.Fernanda Silveira Corrêa - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Jihad and Hijra Concepts Emergence in Face of Globalization and Postmodernism.Horacio Esteban Correa - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):704-719.
    The hypothesis of our work is that the concepts of globalization, the information technology boom and Postmodernism are closely linked and that somehow eroded the ontological concepts of identity, individual and cultural diversity, in terms of the relationship I and the other. In the international strategic framework that other has fallen on Arab-Islamic culture. The thought of the Western world, with its logic of instrumental rationality has built stereotypes about that culture, ignoring its archetype. This reality is the one that (...)
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    Las pasiones dolorosas en Aristóteles y su tratamiento en la Retórica.Andrés Covarrubias Correa - 2021 - Escritos 29 (63):213-224.
    This article addresses the importance of passions and their component of pain and pleasure in Aristotle's ethical reflection. Then, and assuming these antecedents, it analyzes anger and calm from the point of view of Rhetoric, to finally deal with the other painful passions described in this work in a broader way, in search of common aspects. He argues that Rhetoric provides important tools not only to provoke or mitigate a passion, but also to be able to redirect it in a (...)
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    Modelos Din'micos Aplicados à Aprendizagem de Valores em Inteligência Artificial.Nicholas Kluge Corrêa & Nythamar De Oliveira - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e37439.
    Especialistas em desenvolvimento de Inteligência Artificial prevêem que o avanço no desenvolvimento de sistemas e agentes inteligentes irá remodelar áreas vitais em nossa sociedade. Contudo, se tal avanço não for realizado de maneira prudente e crítico-reflexiva, pode resultar em desfechos negativos para a humanidade. Por este motivo, diversos pesquisadores na área têm desenvolvido uma concepção de IA robusta, benéfica e segura para a preservação da humanidade e do meio-ambiente. Atualmente, diversos dos problemas em aberto no campo de pesquisa em IA (...)
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    O processo de planejamento para o desenvolvimento regional e suas interfaces com a consulta popular no corede Alto Jacuí: uma reflexão para o período de 2009 a 2012.José Carlos Severo Corrêa - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):110.
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    Performatividade: atravessamentos de um dispositivo de controle na constituição de sujeitos escolares // Performativity: crossings of a control device in the constitution of a school subjects.Mirele Corrêa & Gicele Maria Cervi - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020030.
    Este artigo é o recorte de uma pesquisa maior que se caracteriza como sendo pós-crítica. O texto busca, por meio de uma análise das falas de estudantes do 3º ano do “Programa Ensino Médio Inovador”, de uma escola pública estadual do Município de Blumenau – SC, evidenciar os discursos de performatividade aí presentes. A cultura de performatividade, emergente do setor econômico-empresarial e espraiada para setores públicos/estatais, é entendida como um dispositivo que atua na regulação e no controle dos corpos, produzindo (...)
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    Políticas de ciudad: planear la ciudad para reivindicar la dimensión humana.Lucas Correa Montoya - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Las políticas de la ciudad deben ser entendidas como aquellas que abordan asuntos relacionados con un sector o territorio específico, la ciudad o una parte de ella. Sin embargo, si éstas se entienden dentro del marco del derecho a la ciudad, se convierten en políticas que van más allá de la idea de la ciudad como un problema territorial o funcional. Se convierten entonces, en políticas que atienden una realidad compleja, que abordan factores tanto territoriales y funcionales como éticos y (...)
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    Possibilidades para uma espiritualidade política e uma forma de vida não fascista.Sérgio Fernando Maciel Correa - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (1):267-282.
    Este artigo é uma espécie de vanguarda da retaguarda, pois ao mesmo tempo em que quer avançar, sendo portando de filosofia política contemporânea é convocado a retornar em busca de conceitos antigos, mas que não envelheceram. A parresía cínica com os seus desdobramentos é um exemplo desse retorno aos antigos. O texto, outrossim, dedica-se a responder a questões que interrogam pela utilidade das revoltas e das insurreições, pelo papel dos intelectuais diante do poder. O artigo procura problematizar, seguindo os estudos (...)
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  50. Perdón y libertad.Bernardo Correa - 2012 - In Laura Quintana & Étienne Tassin, Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-CESO, Departamento de Filosofía.
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